Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day!

I told the boys not to even get out of bed till 8am. I finally made it to bed last night at midnight. I woke up with a headache and had it all morning. I am wondering if these are stress headaches as I've had one every day since Chuck got hurt. Anyway, I got up at 8am, but the boys didn't get up till 8:30. I got Chuck up and out to the couch and we unwrapped our gifts.

Joe's main gift was a Sony hand held PSP. I got him some games too. He also got a new pair of shoes, that he needed badly. A new belt, new t-shirt, Steelers calendar, violin case and bow, a gift card to "Game Stop" so he can buy more video games (from his Nana) and some other stuff I can't remember now!

CJ's main gift is a flip camcorder. It records up to an hour and you can put it right onto your computer. He's been wanting a camcorder for a long time. He loved it! It's so small too. He also got all 3 of the "Inkheart" books, which he loves. He got a couple of dragon t-shirts, a dragon calendar, a violin case, a PC game which he's been playing all day, camo pants, camo sleeping pants, muscle shirt for gymnastics, High School Musical movies 1 & 2, a gift card to "Game Stop" so he can buy more video games (from his Nana) and probably some other stuff I can't remember now.

Chuck got a heavy duty 50 ft. electrical cord from CJ, an electric knife sharpener from Joe, a heated massager, underwear, and a new wallet from me. He got a nice blue and red checkered flannel jacket too.

As for me, Joe got me a nice 3 scented candle and a large numbered timer. CJ got me 4 knives and a short heavy duty electrical cord so I can use other things in my kitchen that won't reach the outlet. Chuck got me this really nice clock with a pendulum and it chimes every hour from 6am to 9pm. Of course he didn't know he got me this till I opened it, LOL!! He isn't able to leave the house. I also bought my own Christmas card but he filled the inside himself. This is what he wrote:

You are my angel. I wish I could have helped you so much more this past week. But I couldn't have done a better job. You are the glue that holds this family together. I know that, and now I hope you realize it too. I really appreciate what you do for me, even when I'm not hurt. I could have never done better than you. You are my world. I love my angel, love 4 ever Chuck.

Isn't that just so sweet! Not sure he wanted me to tell the whole world that but I figure what the heck! Just keep it to yourselves, LOL!

Chuck fell asleep right after we opened gifts and got up for something to eat, I made a nice ham dinner, then went back to sleep. He basically still just sleeps all the time but I know his body needs it even though it can be frustrating at times.

The boys are taking showers and then I promised them we'll play cards. They want Chuck to play too but he's so tired all the time I think it will just be us three that play.

So, all and all it was a good Christmas but I must say that I'm glad it's over. I'm looking forward to school starting back up but not looking forward to all the activities after school starting back up. I am wondering how I am going to have Joe in Fairview and CJ in Ashtabula on Tuesday at the same time. SIGH!! CJ has gymnastics and Joe has Jr. Phil. Chuck used to take Joe and I took CJ. I will be gone every evening again and I know Chuck hates that and I do too but at least Joe finishes swimming at the end of January. That will help some, though I like seeing him active. I was hoping swimming went till spring but it doesn't. Jr. Phil ends in the spring. Gymnastics doesn't ever end. I will just have to take each day as it comes.

Merry Christmas everyone!

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Sounds like you had a blessed Christmas afterall. And what a great love letter from hubby! That's what marriage is all about!