Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Runaway Sandy

Sandy pissed me off last night. She was whining so I let her go out to use the bathroom. I don't put her on a chain to just run out and go because she has always come right back in. I wait at the open door while she goes and call her in when she's done. We did this and then 5 minutes later she is still whining at the door, so I thought, okay she has to pooh. I open the door to let her out again and she bolts to the driveway, down the driveway, and down the street. I called and her an called her, she could care less. I said screw it and shut the door and that was at 8:30pm. She came scratching at the door at 3:15am soaking wet, muddy and a stinky mess. I was so pissed off that it took me an hour to get back to sleep. Needless to say, I'm exhausted today.

She over course goes right for the couch, I drag her off by her collar and made her sleep on her pillow by my bed. Gosh, the whole room stunk!! After I took the boys to school and worked out I came home and gave her a shower and the water was just disgusting! She has been doing nothing but sleeping since she got home. We have no idea what it was that made her bolt like that. We are thinking, it's the new dog from down the road that we have been seeing. I'm not sure if it's a stray hanging out of someones actual pet. But, now, I'm going to run out and get another thinner lead to attach to the larger one so that it fits under a shut door and she will be clipped to it EVERY TIME she goes outside and even before we open the door. ARG!!!

Here is a picture I took of her just hours before she bolted, looking oh so cute! She was looking at me while I was at the kitchen counter.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

sounds like Sandy has got YOU trained! Silly dogs! Hey just in case I can ever help you, I went to animal medical school for two years and worked for a vet for 3yrs. It is my specialty. I just drive a bus to pay bills. See ya!