Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Boy's and School

Well, Joe came home yesterday and has Detention after school on Thursday from 3-6 for HOMEWORK!!! Good gravy!! So, Chuck and I sat with the Assistant Principal this morning for over an hour. He's in a special study hall to help him get adjusted and it seems he forgot to do his homework in two classes so he got detention. Dang, they are strict! I am also trying to get used to this homework thing and what is due and when. It's confusing!

The boys each have a really nice assignment book that they have to write all their homework in. I didn't realize I was supposed to look at it each night to make sure they are getting everything done. I really didn't understand it and I would just ask, is your homework done and they would say "yes" and I would be like, good. That is what I have always done before, if they even had any homework at all. Joe never did so this is really new to him. Now, I check that assignment book every day and I'm all up their butts about getting everything done LOL!!

It seems Joe will do his homework but leave it in his locker, which he is not allowed to go get, and for History he forgot to color his map!!! Good Grief!!! Forgot to color!!! This is crazy. He has a paper that has to be signed by all his teachers each week that his homework was done. They all have to be circled yes and be signed. He had two circled "no" so he got detention. Now, he has over the weekend to get those "no's" to "yes" but he forgot to color his map and he forgot to hand it the other. He is used to being asked for his homework and here you just have to remember to do it. So, I'm hoping that this detention will help him to remember to DO all his homework, even the coloring, and to REMEMBER to hand it in!

We also found out that NONE of the teachers realize that they have NEVER been to public school and that their last school they had one room and one desk ALL year long! We talked to Joe's History teacher and he had no idea and now he realizes why Joe is having a hard time. They think that the boys are just being lazy! SIGH!! So, today after school Chuck and I are going to talk to each of their teachers and let them know. So, it's a culture shock and a bit to get used to but we'll get there.

On another note, last night was Joe's swim team try-out and of course he made it so we'll be at the pool quiet a bit. He has meets on Saturday's I believe. I told him if he has a concert for the Jr. Phil that trumps any swim meet. Hopefully he'll be able to do everything. I know it will feel like I'm never home and I better find some really good crockpot meals! Who has time to cook? LOL!

Also, CJ's football team won for the first time this season the score was 16-12. He played almost the entire time too, so he was happy!

1 comment:

heatherdmc said...

Working backward, I find the posts.
This is the same problem Tommy had. He was getting detention for homework even though test scores were high. Now, imagine, he was to speak at graduation and almost didn't make it because he reflected bad grades for -- not test scores,-- but failure to do his homework for crying out loud!