Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I still don't have my truck yet. Dean found a problem in the back end but isn't sure what it is so he sent it to a guy that deals in back ends in Girard so we are waiting to hear what it is. My truck shakes and I always thought it was just bad tires but I guess it's not. I hope I get it back soon. Tonight I will have to take Joe to Jr. Phil and CJ will have to miss gymnastics. Last week it was the other way around.

Last night Joe had his Spring Concert for Band at the high school. It was 5th through high school bands and really it was good. We got home late, ate chicken and CJ had to try and finish up his homework. I had to print out his book report, it was a poster type thing. Joe got an A on his!! :) Joe had to have his in last Friday but CJ had till Tuesday. They have different teachers.

My favorite movie broke the other day. I am SO SAD!!! "For Richer or Poorer" is my all time favorite movie and I've had it since the boys where babies and it broke. It was a VHS. I don't know if they had DVD's back then? LOL!! I watched it so much I wore the thing out! I am now going to have to find the DVD.

I couldn't believe it when I woke up yesterday and let the dog out that we have almost 2 inches of snow!! I thought it was spring?? That better be the last time I see snow for a while, LOL! I'm tired of the cold weather.

I'm getting ready for my garden this year. My sister, Kitty, talked me into doing one. I wasn't going to, lazy I guess but I have changed my mind and I'm going to do one. We are going to put it out back where I don't mow but where there are no stumps. We'll have to use the neighbors tractor and plow it up. Hope it goes well! We'll be doing this pretty soon.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Truck Cont.

Dean called and the clunking in my truck is the bearings. The front passenger side and the rear drivers side both are VERY bad. He said he's surprised they haven't fallen apart. I'm glad I quit driving it! The back breaks are bad too so all in all $840. He said we could make payments, no problem since we know him really well and he's been doing my truck for years. Will be nice to have a safe truck to drive. Now, I just have to find a good price and get an alignment. Dean doesn't do those.

Took the boys up to the school for tennis practice. It's always inside when it's bad weather out. we got there and CJ saw this lunchbox on the sidewalk and he says, "Hey Mom, look, some retard dropped their lunchbox on the sidewalk." Then Joe goes, "CJ, that's yours!" and CJ is like no it isn't a lot of people have lunchboxes that look like mine. I get out and turn the lunchbox around and it has in really big letters on the side CJ ROZALSKI!!! LOL!!! CJ's like, "Oh, I guess I'm the retard!" LOL!!!! That was hilarious!!! I guess it fell out of his backpack when he was coming out of school and just layed there. I'm glad we went up there for Tennis!

Joe's computer is done and now I have to head up to Erie to get it. Maybe on Friday Chuck and I will go get it. Joe is VERY excited to have his computer back, LOL!! The boys really love playing World of Warcraft.

Monday, March 23, 2009

A nice surprise

Today, when I went to the mailbox, I got a nice surprise! There was a box from Ezine Articles and when I opened it, there was a really nice mug with a package of coffee inside it. I thought that was so nice. The card said, "I am extremely proud of our genuine expert authors, like you, who are true authorities in their niches & contribute new unique articles every week." I didn't think I was doing one a week, but I guess. I write a lot of articles to get traffic to my blogs. I thought that was really nice, too bad I don't use mugs! LOL!!

It says, "I (heart) Ezine Articles"

I called and got an appointment for my truck. Dean can look at it on Wed. so we will drop it off first thing in the morning. Chuck took the boys to school today and then went to work on the Church roof.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

My Truck

Well, on Thursday night on the way home from getting CJ at gymnastics my front passenger side tire blew out. I was about a mile from the gas station so I made it there and parked it. When it went CJ put the window down and hung out and said, "Mom, your riding on your rim!" I knew it was coming. My tires are extremely worn on the insides and the wires have been showing for some time.

We were able to fix the tires on Saturday. We got to used tires for both front tires, balanced and put on for $40. But now my front end is making a clunking noise. Has since Wed. We thought maybe it was just the tires since they were so bad but with the new ones on it's still makign that awful noise. Could be tyrod ends, cv joints, who knows! Like I need a big auto bill! YIKES!! I've got to have my truck though. I think Chuck is going to have Dean look at it but not sure when he can. Chuck will call him on Monday and find out. I'm praying it's nothing big. Don't you know that as soon as you pay off your vehicle they go to pot! :(

Went to a my friend, Debbies, house last night. Chris came out too so us girls had a girls night out at Debbie's house for her birthday which was Wed. We had a lot of good food and watched a a good movie. It was fun. We used to get together once a month but with our work schedules it's been months since we were able to get together. So, it was nice to just hang out.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Fire Cont.

I talked with Kim last night at church and she told me that her, Dave and the kids were all crying last night. Poor things!!! Dave feels like his whole life is gone. They found out that the insurance only covers the structure, he didn't have insurance on the contents. He thought he did and was surprised to find out he didn't. So, he lost everything in that fire.

Also found out that he didn't start the fire, that was just a coincidence that he happened to be burning and then left to get the kids from school. The fire started in the middle of the barn and was electrical. By the time he saw the smoke there was no saving the barn as it was really going in the middle. At least he isn't the one that started the whole thing like he thought. The insurance guy is coming on Friday to assess the damage.

Kim told me that they just bought $500 in seed last week! I also found out that Dave has been laid off since Nov. Kim doesn't work either, she stays home. She may have to go out and get a job. She worked at the boys school last year but decided not too this year. It's hard to work all those hours and get billed instead of paid. They have 4 kids in that school and she worked to help pay the tuition and she got a bill for $200 a month. Gotta suck to get a bill instead of a pay check!

I wish there was something I could do to help but we don't have any farm equipment for them to use.

I also found out that the other barn/garage melted on that one side and the rafters inside where on fire and the skylights had melted. That was one very hot fire. Thank God it didn't get the gas well that was behind and to the right of the barn. That would have been something!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Barn Fire

Yesterday was some day! I went to the school early to get CJ as he had a doctor appointment because he had to get 3 shots. One was tetanus and his whole arm hurts. I got him right back to the school because CJ and Joe both had their Tennis pictures today. They were done a little after three and we started home.

We were about 3 miles from where we turn and we saw this horrible black smoke and there was a LOT of it. I said to the boys, oh no, I hope that isn’t a house fire. We turned at the gas stating and you could really see it. I said Oh No, it looks like the Sherman’s house is on fire! We got closer and no, it wasn’t the Sherman’s. We got up and we saw it was Kim and Dave’s barn a blaze! We know them from church and the boy’s school from last year. It was horrible. The boys were screaming stop and they jumped out of the truck before I was even stopped!

They ran over and started pulling things out of the barn next to the one on fire. The one on fire was an inferno! Men were using hoses to try and save the house. The fire department was called but they are SO SLOW because it’s all volunteers. Dave had me call 911 again to make sure they were coming. They FINALLY showed up and so did 5 other units even Albion came!

The first thing they did was water down the new barn so it wouldn't go down. Thank God the wind was NOT blowing towards the house!! The house would have went down instead of the ditch across the street.

After the boys got everything out of the other barn Joe said, “Mom, make sure you blog this!” Taking pictures was the last thing on my mind but I did take some.

I asked Kim what happened. I guess they were burning and Dave thought he got it totally out and he went to the school to pick up the kids and when he got back he saw smoke coming out of the back of the barn. It went up so fast there was nothing anyone could do but watch it go down.

ALL their farm equipment was in there, they were storing his dad's 1917 Model T Ford, lots of chickens and lots of hay. All those tires made that black smoke we saw. The wind was blowing and the woods and ditch across the street caught on fire too.

That is CJ going over across the street to help Chuck. They had brooms but that just wasn't cutting it. The next firetruck that came put out the fire in the ditch.

The neighbor, Ed, came over to were Kim, Chuck, CJ and I were standing and said, Hey you didn't tell me you were having a wennie roast! Kim laughed and CJ goes, No, we're having FRIED CHICKEN!!! OH MY GOD!! I couldn't believe he said that!!!!! YIKES!! Kim wasn't mad though, she was sad about losing her chickens in the fire though but she's a good sport.

Poor Dave, he had inhaled a lot of smoke trying to save the house and other barn that he collapsed on the ground coughing. Ambulances came to help out too. They gave him oxygen and he was okay. No one was hurt in this fire at all and we are all very thankful!

I had to leave after about an hour because Joe had to be in Fairview for Jr. Phil by 5pm. We all hugged Kim and left. Here is what it looked like when I left.

When the boys and I went by there this morning on our way to school the middle STILL had flames going and there was still a bunch of smoke. It was in the paper today too. I feel really bad as spring is just starting and ALL his farm equipment is now gone :(

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Weekend

Not much really happened over the weekend. Joe had his swimming banquet on Sunday. He got a trophy for the most improved swimmer out of his group (boys 11-12). He is excited about swimming over the summer and being on the team again next year. He wants to go to the swimming camp over at Edinboro University this summer, I hope we'll have the money for it, it's expensive! He wants to do both sessions, but we'll have to see.

After the banquet we went to Wal*Mart to get the boys some tennis rackets. They are on the tennis team at school and they didn't have rackets. Well, Joe had a really old one I got at a yard sale, LOL!! The coach called it an antique that would be best served hanging on a wall!! LOL!!!! Okay, so they need new rackets! Of course the boys played with them in the living room for about 45 mintues before bed, thank God nothing broke! LOL!

We are STILL waiting for Joe's glasses to come in. He is REALLY wanting them so he can see at school. It will be 2 weeks tomorrow!! SIGH!!

Oh, the Geeks called about Joe's laptop and said it was a memory problem and Dell won't let them fix it so they had to ship it to Dell and we won't see the computer for 2-4 weeks!! Joe was NOT thrilled, but what can you do. CJ's power cord died and that is an $80 fix unless I find a cheaper one. Battiers and cords are not under warrenty. Bummer!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Still Feeling Blah!

I was REALLY sick on Tuesday, Wed. I felt a little better and today I feel much better. I didn't workout on Tuesday but tried on Wed. and only made it for 27 minutes on the treadmill. Today I did my full 45 minutes though not quiet as fast as I usually go.

Yesterday the school nurse called me to come get CJ, in gym they were running and he almost passed out and had to go home. I sent him to school today and we'll see if he makes it past gym class again. Something about it being state law you have to have a doctor excuse to get out of gym, me calling did nothing. I hope he'll be okay. Colds seem to really wipe us out. Thank God Joe seems okay. He takes vitamins every day, maybe CJ and I should too! For some reason CJ didn't want to eat the gummies every morning, LOL! But this is the first year that Joe hasn't been sick for the entire winter!

The boys, well Joe, has started Tennis. The first practice was yesterday but CJ was sick at home. So, now we are back to being supper busy with Tennis every day but the both will miss some practices cuz of music and gymnastics.

Oh, I took Joe's computer in to Best Buy and gave it to the Geek Squad. I should hear back in a few days. They said they would fix it no problem and that I wouldn't have to pay anything. That was good news! CJ's power cord died and when they call I am going to ask them if that is covered too since a new one is $80!

Well, that's about all that's been going on since I last wrote.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Well, CJ and I have been sick all weekend long. I sound HORRIBLE!!! I don't feel so hot either. We both woke up sick again today (just colds) and Joe wasn't on the schedule to work in "Power Hour" so we all just stayed home from Church. I have been watching TV most of the day. All four of us did play a game of hearts and then a game of tri-Ominos.

Joe's computer took a crap today and it's only 5 months old!!!! ARG!!! It kept crashing, so I tried to put it back to an early time but it kept on crashing so I went to restore to factory settings and it's totally messed up now. I have reformatted it before but this time it's really bad! I am hoping I can still fix it enough that he can use it till I have money to take it to someone that knows what they are doing. I have no clue why his computer has been giving us fits. I HATE computer problems, they give me a tummy ache!

Joe's glasses haven't come in yet and I he can't wait. He can't wait to be able to see again, LOL! All this rain we've been having bites! SIGH! Nothing else has happened since the last time.

Hey Mom, Congrats on passing your test!! YEAH!!!!! I bet you are SO relieved to have that behind you! WAY TO GO!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My water is back!

Finally, after being in the upper 30's today our water unfroze around 2pm. I did up all the dishes and will do all the laundry tomorrow. Both boys took a shower tonight too. Glad to have it back, it really sucks being without water.

Nothing else is really new since the last time I posted. Tonight I had Lucy out on my bed and I believe she is blind now, which would be why she walks funny in her cage. I would move my hand really fast into her face while she was eating without touching her but coming really close and she never moved or looked. I tried very hard to get her to see me but I don't think she can. It's hard losing a pet, even if it's just a rat. I hate watching pets slowly deteriorate. Really sucks!

Well, the next few days it will be in the 50's so that will be a nice change from the single digits we've had this week. I am hoping this is the last of the cold weather, for some reason I am really ready for spring to come. I usually love winter but this time I have had enough already. Some days I really wish I was back in South Florida!! LOL!! I used to complain about the sunny and gorgeous weather we had EVERY SINGLE DAY! I would have loved to have a cold and cloudy day back then, LOL!!

Well, gotta go pick the boys up from Youth Group. Hope everyone is having a great day!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday Stuff

Well, last night our water froze AGAIN!!!! ARG!!!!! Okay, this summer I am putting on new heat tape and wrapping the damn thing in insulation! This is nuts! I had to go next door for a pot of water to make spaghetti for supper! I hope it warms up enough to thaw the pipes out. This is so annoying!

Took Joe into the eye doctor today and yup, he needs to wear glasses all the time now. He can't see far away. Happened almost over night around Christmas time. This is the second time his eyes have changed like that. This time though we had to go with the "free" pair that the insurance will pay for and they aren't very nice looking, they aren't bad but they aren't great either. It will cost $105 to put the lenses into Joe's glasses that he already has and likes. I don't see why the insurance can't pay for the lenses and I will pay to put them in??? ARG!!!! This will help Joe see better at school though. We have to wait a week till they come in.

Lucy is sick. She is our pet rat and she is VERY thin and I have no idea what's wrong with her. I guess rats live from 2-4 years. We've had her now for 2 and she may have been over a year old when we got her so maybe she is just old? SIGH!!! Poor Luce Goose!! When you hold her she is all bones. I held her tonight and she wolfed down some spaghetti so she is eating. Her fur isn't right either.

Oh, last month Joe got a D on his monthly book report and we told him he better get an A on this months. He got it back today and got a 105/100!! YA!! He was very happy about that and so was I.