Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My First Post

Well, my sisters and even a few of my friends have blogs so I thought I would give it a try. So, this is my first blog and we'll see how this turns out. I really enjoy reading others blogs, keeps me up to date of what they've been up too.

Last night I had to take CJ (13) to the hospital because he said his throat hurt and could I look at it for him. I did and it was covered in white puss, GROSS!! So, being 6pm and the doctors office is closed I had to take him up the the ER. The strept came back negative and the did a Mono test on him too and that came back Negative, Thank God! So, he has tonsilitis and is on amoxicilian and pain med's. Of course he is to leave for camp on Wed! I hope he feels better by then. He has been looking forward to camp since he came home from camp last summer!

Joe got his hair done for the summer. He can't wear it like this for school so he enjoys it during the summer.

Well, hopefully I'll have a lot of exciting things to say here. We shall see!

Marsha Rozalski

1 comment:

heatherdmc said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! It is hard to post everyday, but you are right. It is fun to do and read others. Best part is the pictures!