Sunday, July 6, 2008

I saw her today

For those who know, I saw Chrissy on Saturday afternoon. Joe, Chuck and I wanted to get out of the house. It was around 11 AM. We first went to the fireworks store to see if they had any more of the fireworks that we really like and ran out of. They only had small and large and everything was jacked up in price so we left. It's always best to get your fireworks a month before the 4th. We got ours before Father's Day and got a lot of good deals.

Anyway, after that we were hungry and the Beef and Beer is right at the end of the road from the fireworks so we went there. We had a booth by the window and we ate our lunch and Chuck had to go to the bathroom so Joe and I sat there and waited for him. Then this family walked in, two kids, husband, wife. They were going to sit right across from us where there is a fish tank that you can watch while you eat. The kids were already sitting down there. I looked at her and smiled and thought to myself, man she looks familiar, who is she? I should know her. Then I heard her yell at her kids "Get Up!" and she herded everyone into the next room around the corner. I sat there wondering who she was.

I told Joe, I'm tired of waiting to Dad lets go check out. So we went up to the cash register and I was busy paying the tip and getting a cookie for Joe and I got a mint and paying with my debit card, I had no cash on me. Chuck came out of the bathroom and came over to us and then I saw him look their way and the look on his face told me who that was. Yup, it was Chrissy. I have only ever seen her very thin with short curly hair and this lady was heavy with long hair with no bangs pulled back into a pony tail. Actually she looks just like me except I have bangs. SIGH!! I never looked back at her. Chuck said when he saw her she hid behind her menu.

I haven't seen her in almost 5 years. I didn't recognize her kids either cuz they were so young last I saw them and kids change so much around those ages. I have always been afraid of running into her and what I would do or feel or what would happen, etc. Well, the day finally came and it wasn't that big a deal. Maybe cuz I didn't really recognize her. I do know that since then I have thought of nothing else. My brain won't let me think of anything else and it's driving me nuts. That is the VERY first thing I thought of when I woke up. Now, I have been going weeks or longer without giving her a thought! This is just something I have to work through I guess. It just really bothers me that she looks just like me :(

Chuck and I talked about the whole thing when we left. I thought that would help but it didn't. We talk about this at my support group, the sightings and what would we do if we saw them and how much we DON'T want to run into them etc. Just really made my holiday weekend suck!

Marsha Rozalski

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