Friday, July 25, 2008

I got a present today!

I went to my mailbox today and I found a small box inside. Now, I know I didn't order anything so I look at the return address on it and it's from my sister Candy! Wow, she never mails me anything. COOL!! I got a present from Candy, better than Christmas. I shook it and it was clunky. Better not shake it, I make break it. So, run into the house and opened my present and just laughed my butt off!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She mailed me purple tootsie pops!!!!! LOL!!!!! She actually took the time to find a box, put the suckers and packing peanuts in and PAID to mail me suckers!!! :) Okay, that was a riot!

I went over to her place about a month ago and when I was getting ready to leave I saw a HUGE bowl of suckers on her table. She said she got them for all the construction workers she has in and out of her place. You can see her blog by clicking on "Bead Goodies" on the right hand side of this page. Anyway, I saw them and said how much I loved the Purple ones. She gave me two for the road and I guess she has mailed me the remaining purple ones!! HOW SWEET!!!!!!


Have a great day,
Marsha Rozalski

Monday, July 21, 2008

Medieval Faire

Went to the Medieval Faire this past weekend. We haven't been there in 4 years. We used to get season passes and I would take the boys every weekend from open to close! We had a good time. On Saturday it was just me and the boys. Chuck came with us on Sunday. Of course that is the day is poured for 2 hours and we all got wet. We took Sandy with us on Sunday and she LOVED seeing all the dogs but by the last show she was so tired and ready to go home. Of course when we got home she needed a bath from being in the mud most of the day.

Here are some pictures.

Washing Well Wenches!

Chuck with a Mud Dude Named Pester!

Another Mud Dude.

Husband and Wife Clown Act.

Fire Breather

Men in Bras!

Have a great day!!!

Marsha Rozalski

Monday, July 14, 2008

My boring life

Not much going on. No new pictures to post. MIL is home now and doing alright. Over the weekend we went over there and tore up their floor in the back room. We are going to make a bathroom/laundry room there. We got the whole floor up and had to stop. We have to get a post hole digger and set in some posts for support as we found that room had NONE! I will have to get pictures of it so we can see some good before and after shots.
Joe woke up screaming at 6am today. Pulled a muscle in his neck and he must have pulled it really good. He could barely move without crying all day today. He mostly laid around with a heating pad on his neck. I sure hope he feels better tomorrow, quiet annoying to have a whinny kid at home all day.

Chuck's main and only employee is out of commission. On Thursday he dropped a log on his foot and broke it, dumb ass! I tell ya that kid is missing some brain cells! So, work will be slow going for a long time, which is NOT good. He tried to get his brother Paul to work with him but Paul is just plain old against working!! He was too "sick" to work today. Yeah, right!!

Well, I ended my membership at Curves this past Saturday and I now go to the new SNAP fitness uptown. The woman, Sue, who worked at Curves and I became good friends with, quit there last week. The owner of Curves is goind under fast. She got an evection notice for the place and people keep showing up to shut down the utilities so Sue figured another job might be a good idea. So, I quit there too and now a bunch of us work out at SNAP. There are about 5 of us that eat at the "Sugar Bowl" every Tuesday and we all met at Curves and all of us worked out at the same time. I hope everyone ends up at SNAP LOL!! We work out every day at 8am which is perfect because come school time I drop the boys off at 8am and will get there a few minutes after.

Hope this finds everyone doing well!!
Marsha Rozalski

Thursday, July 10, 2008


My MIL is in the hospital this week. She went in on Tuesday and we are hoping she comes home on Friday. She had two really bad hernias in her gut, one was up into her ribs. She is in a lot of pain right now and fighting with acid reflux which is coming up and going into her lungs so they are trying to keep her from having pneumonia. I went in to see her last night and this morning.

Chuck, and Brenda's husband Lou are going to help out Chuck's Dad in re-doing the back room and putting a shower, bathroom and the laundry there. Right now the only shower is in the basement and so is the laundry. She really can't be going up and down the stairs. It's sad seeing them get older and not be able to do the things they used to do.

I don't have any new pictures to post. The boys are enjoying their "How to draw people" class they have every Wed. When the draw a really good person I'll take a picture and show you all.

Well, I'm still obsessing a bit about seeing Chrissy. I still want to cut off all my hair and get really thin LOL! I hate that I look like her. I hate that I even think about her! SIGH!

Well, not much to post, life is kind of dull. My life isn't always drama LOL!!

Have a good one,
Marsha Rozalski

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I saw her today

For those who know, I saw Chrissy on Saturday afternoon. Joe, Chuck and I wanted to get out of the house. It was around 11 AM. We first went to the fireworks store to see if they had any more of the fireworks that we really like and ran out of. They only had small and large and everything was jacked up in price so we left. It's always best to get your fireworks a month before the 4th. We got ours before Father's Day and got a lot of good deals.

Anyway, after that we were hungry and the Beef and Beer is right at the end of the road from the fireworks so we went there. We had a booth by the window and we ate our lunch and Chuck had to go to the bathroom so Joe and I sat there and waited for him. Then this family walked in, two kids, husband, wife. They were going to sit right across from us where there is a fish tank that you can watch while you eat. The kids were already sitting down there. I looked at her and smiled and thought to myself, man she looks familiar, who is she? I should know her. Then I heard her yell at her kids "Get Up!" and she herded everyone into the next room around the corner. I sat there wondering who she was.

I told Joe, I'm tired of waiting to Dad lets go check out. So we went up to the cash register and I was busy paying the tip and getting a cookie for Joe and I got a mint and paying with my debit card, I had no cash on me. Chuck came out of the bathroom and came over to us and then I saw him look their way and the look on his face told me who that was. Yup, it was Chrissy. I have only ever seen her very thin with short curly hair and this lady was heavy with long hair with no bangs pulled back into a pony tail. Actually she looks just like me except I have bangs. SIGH!! I never looked back at her. Chuck said when he saw her she hid behind her menu.

I haven't seen her in almost 5 years. I didn't recognize her kids either cuz they were so young last I saw them and kids change so much around those ages. I have always been afraid of running into her and what I would do or feel or what would happen, etc. Well, the day finally came and it wasn't that big a deal. Maybe cuz I didn't really recognize her. I do know that since then I have thought of nothing else. My brain won't let me think of anything else and it's driving me nuts. That is the VERY first thing I thought of when I woke up. Now, I have been going weeks or longer without giving her a thought! This is just something I have to work through I guess. It just really bothers me that she looks just like me :(

Chuck and I talked about the whole thing when we left. I thought that would help but it didn't. We talk about this at my support group, the sightings and what would we do if we saw them and how much we DON'T want to run into them etc. Just really made my holiday weekend suck!

Marsha Rozalski

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fireworks Party

Last night we did a fireworks show around 9:30. We just did a small one as we had our big show last Saturday night and we'll be doing one more show tonight. Bridget and her daughter Violet came and Brenda & Lou and there 6 kids came. Two other neighbors were shooting them off so it really was quiet a site!

Here is Bridget's daughter Violet with a bubble and this is just too cute!!

Here is Brenda's daughter Krystal posing for the camera.

Here are some pictures that I took of our fireworks.

After the show was all done and everyone was getting ready to leave my Father-In-Law shows up with Brenda's oldest daughter, Autumn, to see the show. I told him he missed the whole thing but to come back tomorrow before 9:00 PM and he could catch the next one LOL!

He blew his tire out about a mile from our place so Chuck and Brenda's husband Lou had to help change it. Of course the rim was stuck onto the bolts and it took a good half an hour of pounding on the thing with a sledge hammer to come off. So, finally around 10:45 PM everyone headed home. I must say that today was a VERY long day, but it sure was fun!

Have a good one,
Marsha Rozalski

4th of July Picnic at Aunt Ellen's

We had our annual 4th of July Picnic at my Aunt Ellen's new house. We had a really good time. I had such a good time that I wore myself out and by 5pm I had to take a little nap on the couch. I really must be getting old! Only Joe was able to come with us to the party, CJ was at Youth Camp.

Here are some pictures from the party.

Here is Joe doing some bubble work for the kids. They had a blast with this.

Here is Joe helping with the Pinata.

Here is Cousin Dave getting ready for our hayride. It was a really good ride this year. Uncle John rode us around the property and back into the woods. He even ran over one of the largest turtles I have seen around here. The turtle seemed fine, he ran away after being ran over.

Here is our dog Sandy and she found a new best friend in Rocky. She never left Rocky's side all day and that really got on Rocky's nerves! Sandy is 8 months old and Rocky is 10 years old. Sandy wanted to play every second of the party and Rocky didn't! Sandy slept all the way home and when we got home she went right to bed and stayed there till morning!

Have a great day!

Marsha Rozalski

Friday, July 4, 2008

B-Day Party for Bridget's Kids

Last night we went to a birthday party for Bridget's two kids. Violet is turning 2 on July 11, and JR is turning 1 on July 15. She leaves to return to Texas on Sunday the 6th so we had a party for the kids last night. TONS of small kids screaming and yelling, we stayed an hour and went home. Amazing but all that noise just stresses me out now!

Here is Bridget and her kids.

Balloons where everywhere and Joe was having fun with them. Chuck was saying that he was being "Aunt Brenda" LOL!!

This one Joe has three balloons, two for boobs and one for a pregnant belly. Didn't show up to well but it was funny! Brenda is about 5½ months along.

Here are Brenda's little girls. They can be so cute!

Have a wonderful day!

Marsha Rozalski

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My First Post

Well, my sisters and even a few of my friends have blogs so I thought I would give it a try. So, this is my first blog and we'll see how this turns out. I really enjoy reading others blogs, keeps me up to date of what they've been up too.

Last night I had to take CJ (13) to the hospital because he said his throat hurt and could I look at it for him. I did and it was covered in white puss, GROSS!! So, being 6pm and the doctors office is closed I had to take him up the the ER. The strept came back negative and the did a Mono test on him too and that came back Negative, Thank God! So, he has tonsilitis and is on amoxicilian and pain med's. Of course he is to leave for camp on Wed! I hope he feels better by then. He has been looking forward to camp since he came home from camp last summer!

Joe got his hair done for the summer. He can't wear it like this for school so he enjoys it during the summer.

Well, hopefully I'll have a lot of exciting things to say here. We shall see!

Marsha Rozalski